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A Practical Tutorial on Installing Z vm On Hercules for Mainframe Enthusiasts

Please note that the development repositories may contain faults whichmay be fixed at an unspecified later date, as well as experimental codewhich might not appear in any future production release.Build instructions are contained in the source filesINSTALL (for Unix)or README.WIN32or README.WIN64 (for Windows).Other Hercules-related sites Volker Bandke's Hercules site. This is the site for users of Hercules on Windows, and here you can also obtain Volker's MVS 3.8J turnkey system. -/ Juergen Winkelmann's TK4- update to Volker's turnkey system. Fish's Hercules GUI for Windows. jmorrison/ Jim Morrison's downloads (includes 3380 support for MVS 3.8!) Jay Moseley's Hercules site - lots of Hercules and MVS information Tommy Sprinkle's MVS 3.8 documentation Bob Hansen's MVS 3.8 documentation Malcolm Beattie's MVT/TSO documentation Jay Maynard's S/360 and S/370 public domain software archive George Shedlock's archive of DOS/VS Release 34 and VM/370 software, books, and information Dave Wade's VM/370 archive Rafael Pereira's Standalone Programs and 1401 simulator project Tim Pinkawa's Hercules Page Max Parke's Hercules 2703 Page - TTY, TCAM, 3705 and moreIf you have any questions or comments please consider joining the hercules-390 discussion group at -390.Bug reports for the current release (together with your diagnosis of the fault, please)may be posted at the hercules-390 discussion group.Problems with the developer sandbox version should be enteredinto the Hyperion issue tracker at -390/hyperion/issues.IBM, System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture are trademarks orregistered trademarks of IBM Corporation.Other product names mentioned here are trademarks of other companies.Last updated $Date$ $Revision$

Installing Z vm On Hercules

If you have the DVD-RAM version, just copy it over, just like it did. Start Hercules with you config file (hercules -f hercules.conf) and, then, if there are no errors, do as follows (mind the particular path to your ZVM.ins, though):

Note - Although a copy of the User's Guide is included in the distribution package you should always use the online version ('s Guide) if possible as it is the most current. In particular, many installation problems can be resolved by reinstalling using the instructions in the online version!

  • rel k (det

  • Further testing of the execs,preprocessors, and compilers is recommended, and the easiest way to do thisis to run the API test/demonstration execs in TESTCOB VMARC(for Cobol) and TESTGCC VMARC (for C). After that (and after trying theprecompiled versions!) , recompile the online example maps by reviewing then running the KIKSAMPM EXEC, then recompile the onlineexample programs by reviewing then running the KIKSAMPP EXEC. Finally verify that the online exampleswork like the precompiled ones did. Note that these two execs run manyback-to-back compiles and generate voluminous output -- they'd be greatcandidates for CMSBATCH.

Uninstalling KICKS.

Installing KICKS for many users is much the same as installingit for one. The effort is not so much in the installation as in deciding exactlywhat to provision to users who need access to it. Following is the simplestcase: KICKS will be installed in one place and all TSO/CMS userswill have fully shared access to it. To accomplish that

Congratulations! You are ready to start the emulator now. Since, the defaultconfiguration on any reasonable Linux box will require you to be root to setup tun/tap connections, let's start hercules as root with the config file:# hercules -f s390.cnf

Following is a series of questions about creating a new user (non-root)account; so create yourself an account. Once you finish, the installer willspend quite some time installing all the packages. At the end, you will beasked if you want to reboot your computer. Say that you do. When the systemstops, in the Hercules console, enter ipl 120. Now, wait a bit,and after not too long, try to ssh into username@ username is what you entered during the non-root user accountcreation). You should get a shell. It is Linux. It is a mainframe. It isyours. Have fun! :)

If you decide to play with a system you already installed, start Hercules:# hercules -f s390.cnfSet up iptables:# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE # iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT# iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/proxy_arpand IPL from device 120 (the system DASD):ipl 120When Linux starts up, you should be able to SSH in without any problems.

The system you now have is running with a 31-bit kernel. If you want a64-bit kernel, simply run:# aptitude install kernel-image-2.6-s390xThis will install the right image, and set up zIPL (the bootloader) to dothe right thing. The original kernel image will remain installed, and youcan select it in the bootloader (right after you issue ipl on the Herculesconsole). This step appears to be unnecessary on Debian 6 or up, even wheninstalling from s390. YMMV.

Hercules is not officially supported or sanctioned by IBM. In fact, there are web pages that abundantly describe the position that IBM has regarding Hercules. It's important to note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not violate any of IBM's -- or any one else's -- software licensing terms. In this HOWTO I only discuss installing and running SLES for s390 as a guest in the Hercules emulator.

DASD is IBM's rendition of DISK. You need one or more DASD disk packs in order to install SLES for zLinux. The creation of the DASD disk pack will result in a file on your host (DELTA) linux system that will be mounted by the zLinux system running in your hercules application, and thus will be presented as a normal linux disk device for you to-be-installed guest (TANGO).

DASD disk packs come in a few different flavors. The most common that I have seen used -- and the flavor that I use the most -- is the 3390 model 9. It is roughly 9 GB, which is perfect for the root partition (/) that will contain the bulk of the guest operating system running as TANGO. You can see a page like to begin to understand the various DASD types and flavors.

Setting this permanently is conceptually easy, but more difficult in reality. The SYSCTL mechanism in SLE should work to set the kernel parameter permanently, but my personal experience is that too often the parameter gets reset to 0 despite the SYSCTL setting. So I find myself having to set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to "1" manually prior to running hercules.

Since the tun0 device is technically not available until hercules is running, there's no practical reason to set the proxy_arp kernel parameter for the tun0 device prior to running hercules (or in SYSCTL).

(Just a helpful hint. I always run my Hercules emulator with screen. It makes it much easier than muddling up a normal console, and allows me to move effortlessly back and forth between my host's console and the hercules console.)

Note that this uses /etc/hercules/hercules.cnf as the configuration file, and that all important runtime output is logged in /var/log/hercules. The log file is very important, and can be used to diagnose most problems.

Once started, the emulator takes control of your current console. Thus it's highly recommended that you start hercules using 'screen'. ('screen' provides a variety of advantages, which won't be discussed here.)

After starting hercules (remember to use 'screen'), you'll need to bootstrap the installation by IPL'ing from the loop-back-mounted ISO that you downloaded to DELTA. At the Hercules console prompt, run the following command:

The Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator site has a lot of great information, including installation and configuration. But check your favorite Linux distro first, because it may already include Hercules. Debian and its descendants include it, including the herculesstudio graphical front-end. Fedora s390x is a nice bundle with a a good set of configuration files, such as an Ananconda installer configuration, a Hercules config, and boot files. I think openSUSE has the friendliest and best introduction to installing and running Hercules. 2ff7e9595c

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