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Go Math 7th Grade Accelerated Pdf Downloadl: The Ultimate Math Curriculum for 7th Graders

This curriculum unit is being developed as the first unit of the year for my two sections of 11th Grade DP Mathematics. The prerequisites for this course are high school Algebra I, Geometry, and Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry. All of the students in these two sections will be concurrently enrolled in 11th Grade DP Biology. I will have numerous opportunities to collaborate with the 11th Grade DP Biology instructor, and thus we will be able to build many interdisciplinary connections throughout this unit and subsequent units. The statistical methods we focus on in this unit will serve as a foundation both for this mathematics course as we build into more complex modeling scenarios, and for laboratory work in the 11th Grade DP Biology course. In addition, the 11th Grade Biology topic sequence will expose my math students to the biological underpinnings of health and disease in order to give them a deeper understanding of the science behind this initial unit. While this unit is developed for a rigorous, accelerated 11th grade mathematics course, components of this unit can be used at all levels of high school mathematics study, as well as in secondary science studies, particularly biology. The timeline for this unit as it stands is approximately five weeks of five 50-minute class periods (or roughly 20 instructional hours).

Go Math 7th Grade Accelerated Pdf Downloadl


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